
The Board of Trustees currently includes 9 members:

PD Dr. med.Günther Bergmann - Heidelberg/Germany  - president

Prof. Dr. med. Silke Bachmann - Thurgau/Switzerland 

        Dr. med. Alexander Minzer - Rothrist/ Switzerland

Prof. Donald Nease MD - Denver/Colorado/USA

Dr. med. Heide Otten - Wienhausen, Germany

Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Schäfert - Basel/Switzerland

Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Wild - Tübingen, Germany

Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Zipfel - Tübingen, Germany

Rudolf Syz - Liestal/Switzerland - honorary member

The term of Board members is three years. The members of the Board may be re-elected.

The Board overseas the work of the foundation, manages the endowment and oversees the prize competitions.

The Board of Trustees elects the President of the Board.



The President convenes the Board of Trustees at least once a year, or whenever the administration of the Foundation demands.

The President sets the agenda, leads the Board meetings and gives a report on the activities of the Foundation.